Local Crime and Compassion for All Beings

There was an assault and break-in, one person was hospitalized, a dog needed emergency medical attention and died, another dog and several cats were missing (but have been found). How do we have forgiveness and compassion when such a situation arises? The whole earth must heal for us to have a New Earth with an Age of Peace, and that includes all beings.

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20min Alpha Meditation Gateway Frequency 10hz brainwave 31Tet A@432hz

Alpha Wave is known as the Gateway Frequency as it can help you power into other forms of meditation more easily, due to it’s great focus and clarity. Starts with a 3 minute entrainment song, using arpeggio chords in 31tet. then 5 minutes of silence, followed by a minute of the song, three times, ending with a minute of outro going up to 40hz gamma brainwave

It is free CC-BY-SA
Can listen to it, and download it at my Goblin Refuge channel.

Whirlpool Meditation Idea

Was meditating today, and some ideas dawned on me regarding meditation tracks.

One was a former idea, that has to do with making the track like a dream, where a short song, is followed by a double-length version of it, and then a triple length version of it, and so on, so with every pass it gets longer, but still of the same content, much like how we have dreams at night.

Another idea I had, was to make a song in the shape of a spiral. Like spiraling in towards some central note or chord.  When flattened a spiral is really a wave, so this particular wave would lower in amplitude over time, though this would be represented as having less frequency variation.

for-example if our song spanned three octaves,  then would cross from the top of the octave to the bottom in 8 steps, using a septimal major third which is 11 semitones,  then can cross the other way using a major third (10 semitones),  then cross again with a neutral third(9 semitones),  and so on, until we finish in undecimal diesis, which can fold back on itself until there is only 1 note.

The reason this is somewhat precious is that at the same time can have beat frequencies which entrain the brainwaves.  At first they may be high of the mark, then low of the mark, then end with the goal brainwave.   This kind of reminds me of casting a net, if we catch people at their current brainwave frequency, perhaps they are more likely to join us for the ride into the destination frequency.

Also it might be an interesting effect to have the brainwaves shifting in such a way.

Can have the opposite effect for the outro.



Meditation Logging Webapp

Hi meditators and aspiring meditators of the world,

I’ve made a meditation logging webapp to make it easier to log and keep track of your meditations and mindful activities.   Originally it was just for my meditation class, but I’m probaly going to flesh it out and eventually make it available in Firefox OS marketplace once it has the basic features I’m thinking of.


With many meditators using it, will be possible to keep track of various factors of meditation, to help all meditators meditate better.  Also if the meditation goals are reached, then can at least get a partial certification from Quantum Animist Buddhism.

This is version 0.1, but already has the bare essentials to start logging.
my first goal is to make the logging turing complete.   Currently it is possible to write entries, get their stats and download entries.  It stores the entries in local storage,  so you can only keep the entries on one device at a time,  I use a smartphone for mine.

Next I have to program in the ability to edit entires, and also to remove entries.  After that the ability to upload entries,  and connect to  a server so can enter entries from multiple computers without having to upload/download manually — around that time will post it up on firefox os marketplace.  After that will add a meditation screen which allows for selecting a brainwave to entrain on, and a length,  then it will do that, and partiall fill in the entry when the screen for it comes up.

Hope you enjoy it,

Meditation can reduce health care needs by 43%

Relaxation-response techniques, such as meditation, yoga, and prayer, could reduce the need for health care services by 43 percent, according to a study at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital  http://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2015/10/relaxation-response-proves-positive/

That could mean it would make sense to fund meditation, yoga and prayer, thus lowering burden on the other aspects of healthcare system. Rather than treating the symptom, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Orion Bright Moon Meditation

Meditating on my back porch in 6C this morning.
The moon shines bright, illuminating all.
Orion hangs in the sky left of it.

It beautiful, leaves rustle, and breeze brushes.

I like to meditate with my eyes open.
In the clouds I saw a giant turtle,
followed by a meditating first nation,
perhaps I should visit the aboriginal health centre.

The other day a cross dressing man,
told me I was in a bubble,
that required being safe with others,
he claimed it had a native name,
“kokanichsa” if I heard correctly.

Interestingly enough,
I have long ago cast a spell,
that all my magic is safe with others,
and only interacts with them to benefit.

Also thought about naming of my faith,
Orion Priesthood, or Quantum Animism,
Ideally a Mwak name. kwanhnims (Quantum Animism).
kwanhnims is more of a philosophy currently.
Though I have lots of intra and inter-galactic baggage
which I would also like to unload into it.
Perhaps it will simply be my story,
and kwanhnims will stay separate.

Warm Red Moon Meditation

Saw a lunar eclipse with my wife earlier tonight,
the red moon was quite nice.
I used a scope to look at it,
but would be nice to get a telescope.

Today’s meditation began at 0430, after I woke up,
I began with 45 minutes of sitting meditation, on back porch,
followed by 15 minutes of yoga.
I then did probably 20 minutes of research about breath of fire and tummo,
including the Wim Hof Method, and then went out to try it, ended up doing some entranced chanting and mudra’s.

I started meditating in half-lotus, though I’m really finding seiza to be more comfortable now so switched over to it.
At first I thought about how my neighbour forgot their back patio light on, and ran some possible conversations through my mind of how to gently ask her to turn it off for the night.
Then I did some mantra meditation for another 10 minutes and then did 20 minutes of compassion meditation. sending love to self, family, neighbours, house, area, those in need.

During trance chanting meditation, it seems to me that the /r/ sound is most representative of energy, and so it works well with tummo. the /ʒ/ sound I also associate with something similar, like doing or activity.
My trance chanting generally consists of relatively random, though somewhat repetitive phonemes or phoneme clusters, typically depending on mood.
I also like to do throat or overtone singing of tones.
I don’t actively control my trance chanting and mudra’s,
It’s more of a kundalini energy motivated expression,
so I give it space, and thus manage it’s flow.

my trance meditation was the most effective at bringing up my heat levels,
during it I was mostly thinking about helping my brown adipose tissue grow.

Anyways that’s all for now, will try to catch a nap before the day starts.